4 Triceps Exercises You Should Try!
Nice-looking triceps are never something to be disregarded, even though just like your hams, they?re rarely trained as a separate muscle when training extremities. Instead, we always hit the triceps as a part of another exercise for other muscles. Most pe...

4 Triceps Exercises You Should Try!

Top 6 Dumbbell Exercises for Shoulders
If you want to make your V-shape look really impressive, you can work on the shape and size of your shoulders, which will also improve the look of your arms. When properly developed, your deltoids will make that area where your shoulder meets your arm loo...

Top 6 Dumbbell Exercises for Shoulders

10 Best Exercises for Building Lean Muscle Mass
Not all exercises will have the same effect on your muscle building process. Some will push it to its outer limits and some won?t aid as much, but all of them will contribute to it. Today we are interested in the former ones, the exercises that promote hy...

10 Best Exercises for Building Lean Muscle Mass

Drag Curls For Bigger Biceps
If you want to boost the size of your biceps, this is the exercise for you. Even though most people don?t use it because it won?t let them lift a ton of weight and bolster their egos, it?s still very efficient when done right. To do that, though, you need...

Drag Curls For Bigger Biceps

You Should be Doing Face Pulls
When you start going to the gym, you feel really powerful and you can crank out bench presses three days a week. Doing an entire hour of different curls and extentions is something you just do, and no exercise seems too difficult. However, the hype quickl...

You Should be Doing Face Pulls

Dumbbell Pullover: Chest or Back Exercise?
There is a lot of confusion regarding dumbbell pullovers and if they target your back or your chest muscles. Dumbbell pullovers can target both your pecs and your lats if you change their point of emphasis by making tiny changes in the way you perform the...

Dumbbell Pullover: Chest or Back Exercise?